

Our students are placed with some of the top studios, production house, advertising agency, & corporate organizations in the industry

On successfully completing a career course with Arena, you could be eligible for job placement assistance.

In 2017, over 2800 students of Arena Animation received job placements in top companies across India.

Job Placement Assistance for Students

Placement workshops:

The Institute regularly conducts placement workshops to prepare students to face job interviews & aptitude tests. Arena students are taught skills such as resume writing, presentation skills, and time management in these workshops so that they become completely industry-ready by the time they complete their course.

Placement Assistance:

Arena Animation helps kickstart your career with major animation studios in India & overseas. Job roles include profiles in 3D animation, graphics & web designing, gaming, visual effects, and more. Here’s a list of the studios that have recruited from Arena in the past.

Orbit Live:

Orbit Live is a fun-cum-learning event organized by Arena Animation. Arena students get once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work on live projects, and interact closely with industry experts from animation studios such as DreamWorks, Pixar Studio, Prime Focus, Toonz, etc. Students get to experience workshops, tech sessions, master classes, seminars, awards night, job & recruitment sessions & more. Orbit Live is a complete learning platform for all Arena students.


Kalakari is the first-ever event by the artists, for the artists in the training industry. Kalakari is all about experiential learning through traditional art forms. It is a colourful showcase of art, fun contests and handicrafts, and is steeped completely in creativity & culture. The event is truly an amalgamation of traditional art & culture and new-age technology.

Creative Minds:

This is an inter-centre creative competition organized by Arena Animation. Students work together to create 2D & 3D animation show-reels and other creative work. Their work is judged by industry experts who interact with the students, provide feedback, and give them tips on techniques in animation, modeling, texturing, VFX, game development, and more.Get the latest news about Creative Minds.


A series of seminars on career options in the Animation, VFX & Gaming industry. In ‘Perspectives’, studio professionals share their knowledge & experience and give career tips to Arena students.

Job fairs/ campus placements:

The academy conducts periodic job fairs/campus placements where organizations gather to recruit skilled & talented candidates. Arena has conducted various job fairs in which top companies, studios, & production houses participated & selected students as per their requirements.


A series of seminars on career options in the Animation, VFX & Gaming industry. In ‘Perspectives’, studio professionals share their knowledge & experience and give career tips to Arena students.

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